We believe that developing children’s skills in mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving enables them to become successful in their future schooling and adult life.

We aim to develop the children’s ability to explore maths in depth, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings. We encourage the children to develop resilience and accept that challenge (and errors) are often necessary steps in learning.

We understand that maths is a key driver across the curriculum and the intent is for all children to become enthusiastic and critical mathematicians with the ability to apply their basic understanding to more complex issues across subjects as they progress through the curriculum.

To develop the children’s reasoning ability, we intend to create a vocabulary rich environment where discussing maths is a key part of the learning for all pupils. Pre-teaching vocabulary assists understanding and develops children’s confidence to be able to fully participate in lessons.


We deliver our maths curriculum based on planning from the White Rose Hub materials, supplemented by resources from NCETM and NRICH. We follow a concrete, pictorial abstract approach and use a wide range of mathematical resources to support this. Children are taught to show their workings in a concrete, pictorial and abstract form wherever suitable. They are taught to explain their choice of methods and develop their mathematical reasoning skills.

Lessons provide opportunities for varied and frequent practise of mathematical principals, with problems becoming more complex as the children progress through the curriculum. Children are taught how to break more complex problems down into a series of smaller steps in order to be able to solve them. Children are also taught how to reason mathematically by following lines of enquiry, establishing relationships, exploring generalisations and justifying their argument using mathematical language.

In Early Years, mathematics is valued and promoted through daily direct teaching and purposeful learning opportunities across all subjects and all areas of provision. We follow the White Rose Scheme and focus on mastery of early number. We develop fluent mathematicians who have a deep conceptual understanding of number. We ensure that they are able to provide explanations, give reasons for their answers and tackle future challenges by:

  • Providing opportunities for children to practise, rehearse and apply mathematical knowledge and skills
  • Encouraging children to investigate numbers by exploring their characteristics and patterns, understanding how they can be manipulated using different operations
  • Encouraging them to think logically so that they can make connections and solve problems
  • Fostering children’s acquisition and use of mathematical vocabulary to justify and explain their ideas.

Staff take part in training opportunities from the local Maths Hub and work together within school to cascade new practices.

Children from year 1 – year 6 complete the NFER (or statutory equivalent) maths tests termly to monitor progress and assess the children against age related expectations. Staff use the NFER tests to identify children who need additional support.


Children’s knowledge and skills develop progressively as they move through the school and are assessed and reported to parents in the end of year report.

Assessments undertaken throughout the year for maths include:

  • KS1 and KS2 statutory assessment tests (SATS)
  • Year 4 Multiplication Test
  • NFER standardised arithmetic and reasoning tests