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We believe that developing children’s skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing enables them to communicate and express themselves effectively. We understand that reading is a key driver for all learning and the curriculum intent is for all children to become enthusiastic and critical readers of a range of genres. We want our children to use their reading fluency and comprehension to not only access the whole curriculum but also to experience reading as a source of pleasure that can last a lifetime.

We believe that the written word has power and children should learn to develop their skills as writers and communicators in order to share their knowledge and creativity. Good quality writing is modelled through carefully chosen texts that reflect our subjects being taught and the diverse world we live in.


Early reading is taught via the systematic phonics scheme Monster Phonics and is taught daily throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Phonics and spelling are delivered in mixed ability, age related groups, this ensures coverage of the curriculum for each specific year group. Based on continual assessment during daily sessions, timely intervention is planned for those children who are working below expected levels as soon as needs are identified.

Reading books are sent home regularly from Reception class to Year 6. In Foundation stage and KS1 these are carefully linked to the phonic stage the children are working at. The children in KS1 may take home a book to share with parents that develops their reading skills. The school ensures all texts are accurately matched to pupil ability and has a range of high-quality ability banded books to support reading for pleasure. All children in KS1 take part in guided reading sessions using books linked to their phonic stage.

Children from year 1 – year 6 complete the NFER (or statutory equivalent) reading tests termly to monitor progress and assess the children against age related expectations. Staff use the NFER tests to identify children who need additional support.

School introduces the teaching of whole-class reading comprehension in KS1 using the “Literary Leaf” element of the Literacy Tree curriculum. Literary Leaves provide a sequence of learning outcomes based on entire books teaching reading comprehension and developing the children as critical readers.  In KS2 the classes continue to use the Literary Leaf element to cover all reading domains and broaden children’s exposure to a diverse range of literature – whether this be poetry, non-fiction or a story or novel.

All classrooms have access to reading areas with age-related books and topic collections from the Warwickshire Schools Library Service.

Writing is taught through the “Writing Root” element of the Literacy Tree curriculum from Early Years Foundation Stage up to end of KS2. School uses the book-based approach to writing, this engages children and teaches them to write in a range of genres for a clear audience and purpose. In our writing curriculum, quality texts are explored and used as models to recreate a range of writing genres. Books are carefully selected, chosen to provide a diverse range of literature and adapted to reflect our context and curriculum. This emersion in texts supports the development of vocabulary (both subject specific and creative) and the understanding of characters’ emotions and actions.


Children’s knowledge and skills develops progressively as they move through the school. Children’s attainment and progress are assessed and reported to parents in the end of year report.

Assessments undertaken throughout the year for reading include:

  • Y1 phonics screening test
  • KS1 and KS2 statutory assessment tests (SATS)
  • NFER standardised reading comprehension tests

Writing is assessed by teachers, based on the Teacher Assessment Frameworks for the end of each key stage and with year specific criteria for the non-statutory test years. Writing judgements are moderated internally within school, across the federation and across the consortium.

Outcomes in history, geography, science and English books, displays and photographs all evidence the children’s cross curricular application of key English skills.