
Role of the Governing Body

We are a body of people comprising parents, staff and members of the local community. Our role is to support the strategic leadership of the school and monitor every aspect of school life to ensure that we are offering the very best experience and opportunities for the children in our care. Working on a voluntary basis, we meet half termly (our meeting minutes are available to parents) and governors are encouraged to visit the school during the day to spend time in the classrooms. These visits are planned in advance term by term, and are linked to the School Improvement Plan so that governors can focus on specific issues that will feed into the plan. They give governors the chance to see the work of the school in action, ask questions and feedback to the full governing body about what they see. The governors see this as an important part of governor monitoring and school improvement. 

Please find here a welcome letter from our Chair of Governors:

As the school is part of the Stratford Rural Schools Federation, the Governing Body represents both the primary schools within the Federation (Loxley and Snitterfield) and is responsible for establishing the strategic direction of the Federation by:

  • setting the vision, values and objectives for each school;
  • agreeing improvement strategies; and
  • ensuring that each school meets its statutory duties.

The Governing Body ensures accountability by:

  • appointing the Headteachers and handling the Headteachers' performance management;
  • contributing to the school’s self-evaluation;
  • monitoring pupil progress; and
  • engaging with all stakeholders.

The Governing Body also ensures financial probity by:

  • setting the budget;
  • monitoring spending; and
  • ensuring that value for money is obtained.

Financial Information

Please find below a link to the Schools Financial Benchmarking page:

Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool

Please note that there are no school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

In the Stratford Rural Schools Foundation we have a clear expectation about the role of governors.

Here is the Governance Handbook and Code of Conduct that our governors follow.

Every year, the governors are also required to fill in a form to declare any financial, personal or business interests as well as to declare whether or not they also serve on the governing body of any other schools. The information is compiled into a SRSF Governors Register of Interest Sept.2024

The Governing Body is structured in accordance with Statutory Guidance from the Department for Education. In Septmeber 2024, the governors carried out a restructuring of the Governing Body following the change to the consititution of the federation. As a result of the restructuring, a new Instrument of Government was agreed.

The Governing Body comprises:

2 Headteachers (Loxley and Snitterfield)
1 Staff governor
2 Foundation governors

2 Parent governors
6 Co-opted governors
1 Local Authority governor

The standard Term of Office for governors is four years.

Our Governing Body also has Associate Members. Associate Members are not governors and do not have a vote at Full Governing Body meetings but they are entitled to attend Full Governing Body meetings and to receive the papers for them. Our Associate Members are invited to participate in specific committees relevant to the particular skills that they bring and are usually given the right to vote on some or all matters raised at those committee meetings.  

The Governing Body also has a School Governance Professional (Clerk). 

You can also read our Terms of Reference:

The Attendance Register for 2023/24 is here:
