March 2021 – Please find below useful Parent FAQs regarding our return to school in the wake of COVID 19.
Parents’ FAQs
Our Parent Focus Group have suggested that prospective parents (and existing ones) might need the following information
How do I arrange to look round the school?
We warmly welcome all prospective parents to our school and we can usually accommodate visits at a convenient time. Please contact the school Office Manager on 01789 731301 who will be happy to help.
Where are the best places to park?
Parking around school is very limited. Unfortunately, we do not have any parking on site for visitors or parents. We therefore ask that people park as safely as possible and with consideration for our neighbours and local businesses. If you are able, we strongly encourage all families to walk to school.
How do I apply for a school place?
As a maintained school under Warwickshire County Council, all our admissions are managed by the local authority. Please see further details on the Admissions page.
What should I do if my child is ill?
We encourage punctuality and good attendance at school as we believe that this reinforces a positive attitude to learning and the world of work in later life. However, of course there will be times when children are too ill to attend. Parents can contact us for advice if they are in doubt about whether to send their child to school or not. Please note that we do not accept children in school until 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea have passed.
Please could parents contact the school (preferably before 9am) to inform us about an absence, and the expected duration, either by phone, the Schoolzine App or via the link on the homepage of this website.
Can the school give my child medication if they are ill?
Sometimes children can be in school whilst still on medication - finishing a course of antibiotics for example. In most cases doses can be arranged around the school day, or a parent or grandparent can pop in to give a dose at lunchtime. If this is not possible, please make an appointment to speak to Mrs Silk, the Head of School. In cases where children have a condition which may require emergency or regular medication during the school day, parents will be asked to provide clear details of medication and doses and will be asked to complete a permission form. Please refer to our Medications policy for more details.
How can I become a parent helper?
If parents or grandparents have an afternoon to spare we would welcome some support in the classroom. There are many ways in which parents can help out – hearing children read, supporting in outdoor activities and supporting in art and practical sessions for example. We ask all helpers and volunteers to complete a, free of charge, criminal records check (DBS) as part of our safeguarding requirements. If parents don’t have time during their working week they could become an active member of F.O.S.S. and support the school in other ways.
How can I become a Governor?
From time to time a parent Governor position becomes available on the Governing Body and parents will be made aware of this by the Clerk to the Governors. If you have a specific skill that you feel would make you a valuable Governor, please contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Ian Pavey, via the school office.
Who should I speak to if I am concerned about my child’s progress?
Parents should always contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance over any concerns. If parents are still concerned they should make an appointment to see Mrs Silk, the Head of School.
How can I find out if the school is open in bad weather?
We use the Schoolzine App to inform parents of closures and other school events. The Local Authority also publish details of emergency school closures on their website:
When will my child start to get homework?
Please see our Homework Policy for details.
What are the school hours?
Morning Session: 8.55am to 12.00pm (including a 15 minute morning break)
Afternoon Session: 1.00pm to 3.15pm (including Assembly)
What time can we arrive on site and where do I wait?
Staff will be on the playground from 8.45am. Parents can drop off their children from that time.
When will my child do the SATs tests?
All children in maintained schools take a set of tests in the May of Year 2 and Year 6. Assessments are made in Reading, Writing, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. We hold a Parents’ Information event in the Spring Term each year to tell parents all about the tests.
Can I take my child out of school in term time?
Please refer to our Attendance Policy.
What is the school’s policy on bullying?
We recognise that sometimes there are children whose behaviour is not as good as we might like and this might include displaying bullying behaviours. Children are well supervised whilst they are in school and we hope that we can deal with any incidents as they occur. Bullying of any form is taken very seriously and is not tolerated. Please refer to our Behaviour Policy for more details.
How can I get involved with fundraising?
The Friends of Snitterfield School (F.O.S.S.) meet regularly and donate a lot of money to the school during the year. Please see their page for more details of how to get involved.
What is the school uniform?
We believe that a school uniform encourages respect and pride in our school.
Boys: Bottle green sweatshirt, white polo shirt, grey trousers or shorts, grey or white socks, black shoes.
Girls: Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan, white polo shirt, grey trousers or skirt, green and white summer dress, grey or white socks or tights, black shoes.