
At Snitterfield we focus on the skills of each individual subject and discipline to deliver a broad and rich curriculum that sparks curiosity, ambition and a lifelong love of learning. Class trips and events are planned to link into the curriculum and enrich learners’ experiences and develop their cultural capital.

The curriculum has been carefully designed so that the National Curriculum is covered and knowledge builds on previous learning while children develop skills progressively enabling them to achieve. This planned progression allows all children to access the curriculum and achieve for themselves.


The curriculum is divided between four classes, each one delivering a bespoke curriculum that is both age and stage appropriate to the development of skills and knowledge: EYFS, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. The curriculum in KS1 and KS2 is taught over a two-year rolling programme.

Curriculum areas are taught discretely in order that the disciplinary skills of each subject are explicitly explored and developed progressively.

High quality schemes of work are used to plan cohesive sequences of lessons across all foundation subjects. These link back to prior learning and project forward to future learning helping the children develop a web of knowledge and skills on which to hang their understanding.

The core skills of English: reading and writing are prioritised and developed across all curriculum areas as we understand that the ability to read and understand what has been read opens up endless possibilities to learn. High quality texts, linked to either the history or geography of the term are used to engage the children and to allow the creative teaching of writing through emersion in the text usi

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f Reading texts or a similar approach to school chosen texts.

Maths is taught using the mastery approach based on mixed year planning from White Rose. Opportunities to apply maths across the curriculum are explored and developed to support pupils’ understanding of maths in practice.

Subject leaders, of foundation subjects, work across all three schools in the federation to support the delivery of a skills and subject knowledge rich, coherent curriculum and develop staff knowledge and skills through CPD based on the Walkthru approach. Leaders are encouraged to be experts in their subjects and are supported as necessary.

Low stake quizzes and retrieval practices are employed regularly by staff to check the understanding of the pupils and their developing knowledge across all subjects. Knowledge organisers support the understanding of subject specific vocabulary and key facts and skills being taught. More formal testing is carried out termly in reading, writing and maths using published standardised materials. Key stage statutory assessments are taken in the appropriate year group at the set time.


Monster Phonics

At Snitterfield we teach daily Phonics in the EYFS and Key Stage 1 classes using the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme, Monster Phonics. Monster Phonics teaches children to read by identifying individual graphemes (letter combinations)

and the corresponding phonemes (sounds). Sounds are organised into ten colour groups, each with a corresponding monster character.

RE Syllabus

The school follows the Warwickshire SACRE locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The intention of the syllabus is to help our young people to interact positively in an ever-changing global setting.

The use of this Agreed Syllabus ensures that Religious Education makes a signifi­cant contribution to the development of the whole child. The teaching units cover all major world religions and main festivals, whilst reflecting the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are, in the main, Christian.

Long Term Curriculum Plan